We met in 2002 while we were both working at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. We got married on June 18, 2005 and now live in a small house in North Austin with our two dogs, Coltrane and Miles, and our three cats - Gnosis, Nona, and Kali. Brian works as an Editorial Assistant at the University of Texas Press and Elizabeth still works at BookPeople as a buyer and the Inventory Operations Manager.

On April 12, 2009 we welcome our first child, Oliver Mott, into our family and on February 12, 2013, his little brother, Henry Charles, joined us three weeks before his expected due date.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesdays With Henry - Week Eleven

In which Henry proves that he's still not a fan of this whole endeavor.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesdays With Henry - Week Ten

Thanks to everyone for all of the kind words on my last post. I am still struggling with letting Henry be on his own timeline and keep finding my anxiety creeping up on me again. But it helps to know that people have been here before and come out on the other side and it helps to know I have so many people in my corner cheering me on.

We had a good week - managed to go a whole week without anyone needing to go to the doctor for a sick visit. Feels like a win. Henry, Oliver, and I went down to San Antonio this weekend. We took Henry to the zoo for the first time (he didn't really react to the zoo at all but when we took him on the train around the park, he smiled the whole time. He loves to be outside and feel the wind).

On Saturday night, my mom gave me the best gift ever. I set her up with a bunch of bottles and she let Henry sleep in her room. So, I got to sleep for four hours in a row. By far the longest stretch I've had since Henry was in the NICU. I went to bed at 11, woke up to pump at 3:30 and then went right back to sleep. Of course, at 5:30 I woke up to Oliver screaming for me but still... Almost five hours of sleep! In a row! I feel like a new woman. I came home dedicated to the idea of making this a more regular occurrence. So, Brian will take over night duty one night a week from here on out so that I can get at least one night off.

And, in case anyone wonders, even getting bottles all night, Henry woke up every two hours. I had a theory that maybe he wasn't sleeping long because he wasn't getting full feedings but apparently not. Apparently he's just still a peanut who can't go too long between feedings. Although on Sunday night, he went from 3:00 AM to 8:30 AM without eating. He woke up once there in the middle but we just changed his diaper and he went right back to sleep. I'm hopeful this means that longer sleep stretches are in my future and is not instead a reflection of the fact that he's still not feeling 100 percent.

Here are the pictures from this week:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Two Month Wellness - Still Dealing With Anxiety

I talked here about my struggles with anxiety after my second hospitalization. My hope was that my anxiety would subside after Henry was born. Instead I have found myself continuing to be anxious about Henry's health and wellbeing. The biggest source of my anxiety in recent weeks has been the fact that Henry is not yet smiling. In fact, he didn't seem too alert or aware at all. He mostly just slept, ate, and pooped. When he was awake, he wasn't making eye contact with us, choosing instead to stare past us. As the days went on and he still showed no sign of smiling, I got more and more worried. My google history was insane. "How can you tell if your infant is blind? Signs of autism in eight week olds. Developmental delays in near term infants (FYI, don't google that last one. Turns out there are a lot of recent studies showing that babies born in weeks 36-38 do show a lot of developmental delays)."

By Thursday of last week I had worked myself into such a frenzy that it became unbearable. I couldn't concentrate on work or Oliver or anything else. There was just a constant refrain of: "There's something wrong with Henry" running through my mind. I remember being worried about Oliver's development but it never felt like this. I was terrified. And what made things worse is that, because he wasn't smiling or responding to me in anyway, I kept thinking: "Who is this kid anyway?" It was like I couldn't figure out his personality and, therefore, didn't know him. I doubted that I had bonded with him at all. Like I said, I was worked into a frenzy. Completely over the edge.

On Friday morning, I took Henry for his two month wellness check (just for the record, he's up over ten pounds and now in the tenth percentile for weight. He's in the 90th percentile for head circumference. Huge noggin!). While there I laid it all out for our pediatrician - all of my concerns about his development. I'm sitting in the exam room and I'm bawling telling her how he's not smiling and he's not looking at us and I don't feel like I even know him ... Dr. Sharp assured me that since he was three weeks early that he was still safely in the "normal" range for the development of a social smile. She reminded me again to measure his milestone from his due date and not his birthdate. But I wasn't entirely convinced. So, I kept going - crying and getting myself all worked up. And then Dr. Sharp interrupted me and said: "Elizabeth, do me a favor. Look at him right now." I looked down and Henry was staring at me with the biggest shit-eating grin plastered across his face that I had ever seen. If he could talk he would have said: "Gotcha, Mom." It was crazy. Dr. Sharp reminded me that Henry had been feeling under the weather and that maybe now that he's feeling better he's more likely to be awake and alert. We decided to put his two month shots off until Monday to see if he made any progress over the weekend and I left feeling much more at ease.

And then Saturday came and Henry was fussy and sleepy and unresponsive once again. But he was fussier than normal even so I felt his forehead and realized he felt really warm. Turns out he had a fever of 101.5. They tell you that anything over 100.4 in a baby less than three months is an emergency so, after a quick call to the on call doctor, I headed to the ER with him (and with Liz who is the best person in the entire world and spent her Saturday afternoon in the ER waiting room for me so Henry didn't have to be in there surrounded by all the sick kiddos in Austin). We were there for five hours. They drew some blood (and put in an IV in case they needed to push fluids or drugs), inserted a catheter to get urine for a urinalysis, and took a chest Xray. After all that, everything came up clear so they told us it was probably just a viral infection that would run its course. But the whole trip, of course, served only to get my anxiety back up to insanity levels.

It's like every time things start to go well, then the other shoe drops. So now every time something good happens I just hold my breath to see what's going to go wrong. It's exactly the way I felt after my second hospitalization. Like a time bomb that might go off at any minute. I know that being this anxious all the time isn't good for me (or for Henry or the rest of my family for that matter) so I'm determined to work on it. I started running again last week and that has been a great stress relief but my anxiety still creeps up now and again. I have an appointment with Dr. Reich in a week and a half and if I'm still feeling this anxious I'm going to ask her for a recommendation for someone to talk to.

In the meantime, Henry is trying his best to put my anxiety at ease. After our trip to the ER on Saturday, Henry had his most awake and alert day ever on Sunday. It was like he woke up to the world. He spent his time between naps, staring at his daddy and big brother (and sometimes even me) and smiling. He spent time on his activity mat for the first time ever without crying. He was actually looking at the toys. He's doing great. He's just doing things on his own timeline and I need to be okay with that. And I think that the more I can see of him looking like this picture below, the better I will feel.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesdays With Henry - Week Nine

Henry had a busy week. He met his great-grandparents on my dad's side, had his two month wellness visit, and had his first trip to the ER (he's fine and I'll recount that story later). He also (finally!) started smiling (more on that later, too).

For now, here are the pictures from this week:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Four Years Old

Oliver turned four on Friday. I can't believe it's been four years since he came into our life. Of course, at the same time, I can't really remember what life was like before him. Certainly we didn't laugh nearly as much as we do now.

Four promises to be a fun and challenging age. He's a boy of many opinions and he's passionate. That combination results in a lot of frustration for him when things don't go his way. He's a total cut-up. Majorly an extrovert and loves to be the center of attention. He's one of those kids that I know his teachers are going to love/hate when he starts school. Love because he's just so darn lovable and the things he shouts out at random intervals are often entertaining. Hate because he can be a distraction and he finds it difficult to stay on task.

We celebrated his birthday last weekend with a Monster Birthday Party for all his friends from school and around town. This is the first year we've invited his friends from school so it was the first year that there were kids running around like crazy. We had the party at BookPeople on the third floor. This turned out to be the perfect place. It had all the comforts of home (since my office was just right upstairs) but saved us the hassle of having to clean the entire house. Plus, the store is centrally located.

Lindsey, once again, was a great helper. Many weeks ago she helped me craft the invitations for Oliver's classmates. And she came over on Friday night (despite the fact that she was staring down her final yearbook deadline) and helped me with all the last minute details. She and Oliver made the frosting for the cake (Oliver called it his "very important job") so that I could decorate it. She also made the super cute monster faces you'll see in the pictures below. Even with all the cake decorating and last minute crafting, I still managed to get to bed by midnight. That's a record for me for a night before Oliver's birthday party.

The party was a blast. The kids played Red Light, Green Light, did a monster handprint craft, listened to an awesome story time/puppet show put on by some of my coworkers, beat the crap out of Elmo pinata, ate some cake, and had a blast. Oliver really loved his party and was in such a good mood the whole time. At one point, my mom and I were chatting and Oliver ran up to us and shouted: "Group hug time!" and made us all come down and love on him. Seriously. He's too cute sometimes.

To celebrate his actual birthday, Oliver helped us plan a "special birthday day" as he called it. We woke up and I took Oliver and Henry for a breakfast taco date on the way to school. Oliver spent the day being doted on by his teachers and classmates at school while Henry and I went to pick out a few treats for him to open that evening. After school, Henry and I picked Oliver up and we met Brian at Teo for some gelato.

While we were eating ice cream, Oliver declared that he needed birthday cake for his birthday so Henry and I stopped at Hey, Cupcake on the way home to pick up some cupcakes. This would be a stop not worth noting but there was a really nice lady in line in front of me who asked me how old Henry was. I told her he was two months and she said: "Is he yours?" I looked at her like she was crazy and she quickly said: "Because you look too thin to have a baby his age." Yes, she is now my new best friend.

When we got home, Oliver found the two presents Henry and I had left for him (one from Henry and one from Brian and me) plus another gift from our friend Liz. For dinner, Oliver requested noodles and pork from Din Ho. But he didn't want to go to the restaurant. He wanted the food to come to him. So, Brian went and picked up dinner and we ate while watching Muppets From Space. It was the perfect low key birthday celebration and Oliver really enjoyed it.

Here are some pictures from his birthday party:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesdays With Henry - Week Eight

This week brought Henry's first sick visit to the doctor. He succumbed to the chest cold that had us all down last week. His gunky eye and coughing finally drove us to the doctor on Friday afternoon. She said his ears looked questionable so he is on amoxicillin for a possible ear infection but the cold seems to be doing better. Why do I feel like someone in the house is always going to be sick from here on out? Ugh.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Road Trip! Midland or Bust

We went to Midland for Easter weekend so that my grandmother could meet Henry and we could see her new place. I was a little nervous about such a long trip (over six hours!) with a six week old. The first time we took Oliver to Midland, the return trip did not go well (over six hours! of a screaming baby!). But Henry proved himself a fantastic traveler.

My parents came up on Thursday night and spent the night so we could get an early start Friday morning. I ended up staying up way too late on Thursday night trying to get everything packed but Henry made sure we were all up and ready to go super early Friday morning. The trip up there usually takes around six hours. It took us about eight. Nothing too dramatic but we did have to stop more than we otherwise would. Our longest stop by far was in Brady. We stopped at a gas station. I nursed Henry in the car, took him inside to change his diaper, then brought him back to the car. Got him in the car seat and he pooped. So, we went back inside and changed him again. Got back out and got him strapped him in then Oliver announced that he had to go to the bathroom. So, we went in again. We were at that gas station for over an hour. That was our longest stop by far.

We got into Midland and went straight to my grandmother's new apartment, got the tour of her new place, and then took her with us to our hotel to get us settled in. We got two adjoining rooms in the hotel. Oliver slept with my parents in their room and Henry was in with Brian and me. We visited for the rest of the evening and then got everyone ready for bed. The hotel arrangement worked great with one minor mishap. I managed to lock Henry in our room all by himself. Not my finest hour but it did allow me the opportunity to run from our room on the third floor down to the front desk for a new key and then back up to our room. It was my first time to run since my bed rest started and it felt really good (physically, that is. I was feeling pretty stupid for managing to lock him in).

Henry slept in a travel bed on top of our bed during the trip and he did really well both nights. He didn't sleep any better or any worse than he usually does.

We got up Saturday morning (early!) and had breakfast at the hotel. We picked Great Great up and headed over to her old house. Mom and Richard spent the day working on cleaning out some rooms while Brian, Great Great, Oliver, Henry, and I went to the children's museum. Oliver had a blast running around (the mostly empty) museum. We had a late lunch and then went back to the hotel for nap time. After nap we headed back over to Great Great's old house and dyed Easter eggs and roasted a chicken for dinner.

When we woke up on Sunday morning, Oliver was running a fever and feeling not so hot. But we picked up Great Great and then went over to the house for Oliver's Easter egg hunt. He had a blast looking for all of the eggs despite not feeling well. Then we went to church. Neither Oliver nor Henry managed to sit through the entire church service so Brian and I ended up wandering around the assembly hall with our boys.

After the church service, we met with my grandmother's pastor to inter Uncle Kenny's ashes in the memorial wall they have at the church. Since Kenny died while Henry and I were still in the hospital, it meant a lot to me that I could be there for this occasion. We hadn't really talked to Oliver about what was happening, though, and when he found out what we were doing, he got really upset. Truth be told I hadn't really talked to Oliver about Kenny dying at all. I had told him that Kenny was sick and wasn't going to be better but I had kind of left it there. So, when he asked what we were doing, it was the first he had heard about Kenny dying and he burst into tears. He told us that he was going to miss Kenny and that he was said that Kenny had died. It broke my heart to hear him so upset.

After the brief ceremony to inter Kenny's ashes, we had to hit the road and head home. It was already after noon and we knew the trip was going to take awhile. So, despite wishing we could stay and spend a nice Easter dinner with Great Great, it was time to go. We stopped and had a quick lunch on our way out of town. The trip went smoothly despite Oliver's getting sicker and sicker. He kept telling us how much he wanted to be at home. He took a short nap in the car but he was pretty miserable the whole time.

When we finally got home around 8:00 that night, Oliver walked into the house, took off his clothes, climbed into bed, and crashed out. He ended up staying home that next day but is feeling better now. Of course, now Henry and I have a cold. I have a feeling that someone is always going to be sick in our house from here on out. Thank you, day care!

It was such a nice trip and I'm glad we did it. I love seeing my grandmother with Oliver and now with Henry, too! I was paranoid that it would be a ton of stress to get both boys up there for the weekend but they did an awesome job!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesdays With Henry - Week Seven

Such a busy (but good) week. The highlight of week seven was our road trip to Midland for Easter weekend (it was so much fun and deserves its own post so I will do one tomorrow). Henry proved himself an excellent traveller.

Henry went through a major growth spurt this week - eating constantly. He'd eat until he spit up and then eat some more. He spits up after almost every full feeding but he doesn't seem to be in any pain when he does it. It's almost like his stomach just gets so full the food comes right out his mouth. So, I don't think it's reflux. Just an immature digestive system.

He continues to be a pretty lousy night sleeper. The longest stretch of sleep he's done (at night or during the day) is three hours. Our "typical" night has him (and me) going to bed between 10:30 and 11. He sleeps until around 1:30 or so and then eats for 15 to 20 minutes and is back to sleep by 2. Then he's up again between three and four. This feeding is hit or miss. Sometimes he eats quickly and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes he's up for an hour or more. Once he's back to sleep, he usually gets up about an hour later. And then he goes down for a three hour nap which takes us to about 8:30. I usually get up after his last feeding to start getting some work done. It's exhausting and I'm hoping we can get some more sleep soon.

Here are the pictures from this week, including an action shot of him spitting out his pacifier. Still no smiles this week. Hopefully soon. This tired mama needs a real smile from her baby boy.