We met in 2002 while we were both working at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. We got married on June 18, 2005 and now live in a small house in North Austin with our two dogs, Coltrane and Miles, and our three cats - Gnosis, Nona, and Kali. Brian works as an Editorial Assistant at the University of Texas Press and Elizabeth still works at BookPeople as a buyer and the Inventory Operations Manager.

On April 12, 2009 we welcome our first child, Oliver Mott, into our family and on February 12, 2013, his little brother, Henry Charles, joined us three weeks before his expected due date.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Road Trip! Midland or Bust

We went to Midland for Easter weekend so that my grandmother could meet Henry and we could see her new place. I was a little nervous about such a long trip (over six hours!) with a six week old. The first time we took Oliver to Midland, the return trip did not go well (over six hours! of a screaming baby!). But Henry proved himself a fantastic traveler.

My parents came up on Thursday night and spent the night so we could get an early start Friday morning. I ended up staying up way too late on Thursday night trying to get everything packed but Henry made sure we were all up and ready to go super early Friday morning. The trip up there usually takes around six hours. It took us about eight. Nothing too dramatic but we did have to stop more than we otherwise would. Our longest stop by far was in Brady. We stopped at a gas station. I nursed Henry in the car, took him inside to change his diaper, then brought him back to the car. Got him in the car seat and he pooped. So, we went back inside and changed him again. Got back out and got him strapped him in then Oliver announced that he had to go to the bathroom. So, we went in again. We were at that gas station for over an hour. That was our longest stop by far.

We got into Midland and went straight to my grandmother's new apartment, got the tour of her new place, and then took her with us to our hotel to get us settled in. We got two adjoining rooms in the hotel. Oliver slept with my parents in their room and Henry was in with Brian and me. We visited for the rest of the evening and then got everyone ready for bed. The hotel arrangement worked great with one minor mishap. I managed to lock Henry in our room all by himself. Not my finest hour but it did allow me the opportunity to run from our room on the third floor down to the front desk for a new key and then back up to our room. It was my first time to run since my bed rest started and it felt really good (physically, that is. I was feeling pretty stupid for managing to lock him in).

Henry slept in a travel bed on top of our bed during the trip and he did really well both nights. He didn't sleep any better or any worse than he usually does.

We got up Saturday morning (early!) and had breakfast at the hotel. We picked Great Great up and headed over to her old house. Mom and Richard spent the day working on cleaning out some rooms while Brian, Great Great, Oliver, Henry, and I went to the children's museum. Oliver had a blast running around (the mostly empty) museum. We had a late lunch and then went back to the hotel for nap time. After nap we headed back over to Great Great's old house and dyed Easter eggs and roasted a chicken for dinner.

When we woke up on Sunday morning, Oliver was running a fever and feeling not so hot. But we picked up Great Great and then went over to the house for Oliver's Easter egg hunt. He had a blast looking for all of the eggs despite not feeling well. Then we went to church. Neither Oliver nor Henry managed to sit through the entire church service so Brian and I ended up wandering around the assembly hall with our boys.

After the church service, we met with my grandmother's pastor to inter Uncle Kenny's ashes in the memorial wall they have at the church. Since Kenny died while Henry and I were still in the hospital, it meant a lot to me that I could be there for this occasion. We hadn't really talked to Oliver about what was happening, though, and when he found out what we were doing, he got really upset. Truth be told I hadn't really talked to Oliver about Kenny dying at all. I had told him that Kenny was sick and wasn't going to be better but I had kind of left it there. So, when he asked what we were doing, it was the first he had heard about Kenny dying and he burst into tears. He told us that he was going to miss Kenny and that he was said that Kenny had died. It broke my heart to hear him so upset.

After the brief ceremony to inter Kenny's ashes, we had to hit the road and head home. It was already after noon and we knew the trip was going to take awhile. So, despite wishing we could stay and spend a nice Easter dinner with Great Great, it was time to go. We stopped and had a quick lunch on our way out of town. The trip went smoothly despite Oliver's getting sicker and sicker. He kept telling us how much he wanted to be at home. He took a short nap in the car but he was pretty miserable the whole time.

When we finally got home around 8:00 that night, Oliver walked into the house, took off his clothes, climbed into bed, and crashed out. He ended up staying home that next day but is feeling better now. Of course, now Henry and I have a cold. I have a feeling that someone is always going to be sick in our house from here on out. Thank you, day care!

It was such a nice trip and I'm glad we did it. I love seeing my grandmother with Oliver and now with Henry, too! I was paranoid that it would be a ton of stress to get both boys up there for the weekend but they did an awesome job!

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