We met in 2002 while we were both working at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. We got married on June 18, 2005 and now live in a small house in North Austin with our two dogs, Coltrane and Miles, and our three cats - Gnosis, Nona, and Kali. Brian works as an Editorial Assistant at the University of Texas Press and Elizabeth still works at BookPeople as a buyer and the Inventory Operations Manager.

On April 12, 2009 we welcome our first child, Oliver Mott, into our family and on February 12, 2013, his little brother, Henry Charles, joined us three weeks before his expected due date.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brag Book

It’s been really hard to keep this updated lately. I think it’s because once he hit that walking milestone I felt silly updating on what he’s doing now. His days are pretty routine to us. But then I remind myself that about eighty percent of this blog’s readership are Oliver’s grandparents or great-grandparents and they would never find anything the boy wonder does “routine.” And, in reality, when I take some time and really think about all that he’s doing now, I puff up with pride. So, here it is. A short and sweet “brag book” of all the amazing stuff that our little kiddo is doing or trying to do now.

  • Moving and Grooving - He’s all over the place. I haven’t seen him crawl in ages. He much prefers to walk (or try to run). He’s recently started trying to climb up on things. He’s limited this to trying to get into chairs and his wagon so far so I hope we are going to skip the whole trying to get out of his crib thing. 
  • Words - Despite my early enthusiasm about his verbal skills, they have completely stalled now that Oliver has started walking. He still only says “da” and “ba” consistently and some would argue that those aren’t even real words. He REFUSES to say “mama” or “dada.” But his signing vocabulary has grown exponentially. He can sign the following words: more, eat, water, all done, music, book, help, bath, please, thank you, bye bye, yogurt, and banana. He also has signs for Brian and my stepfather. For Brian he pumps both of his fist (this is directly a result of me trying to get him to do the Daddy chant a la Aidan). For Richard, he points to his nose. So, I’ve gone from being enthusiastic about his verbal development to a little worried about it. We’ve got a checkup on Friday so I will ask the doctor and hopefully she will put my mind at ease that he’s just focused on moving and the verbal will come later.
  • Mommy’s (and Daddy’s) Little Helper - One thing I am 100% certain that his slow verbal development does not indicate, is a hearing problem. Oliver can easily follow simple (and somewhat more complicated) instructions. He will bring us the ball or a book when we ask and can even find us specific books so that when we ask him to find “Before John Was a Jazz Giant,” he will dig through his stack of pictures books and bring us the one we are asking for (it’s a little spooky, truth be told). He also LOVES to “help” around the house. He’s a huge fan of the vacuum but will settle for a broom in a pinch. He’s taken it upon himself to gather the dogs’ bowls after their meals and bring them to Brian or me. And he’s oddly obsessed with putting things back where he got them (when he feels like it). 
  • Where’s Oliver’s ___________? - Oliver can now point to numerous body parts when asked (when he’s in the right mood). He can do nose, head, ears and toes. And, my personal favorite: “Where are Oliver’s dimples?” In response, he puffs out his cheeks, points his fingers at his face and blows raspberries. Pretty stinkin’ cute. 
  • Meal Time - Oliver continues to be a picky eater but he is slowly becoming a self- sufficient picky eater. He’s a pro at finger food, of course, but he’s also shown himself to be quite good with a spoon. Part of that is physical dexterity and part of it is the fact that I suction his food bowls down to the table. Also, his table manners are slowly improving. He used to spend most of his meals throwing food on the floor. Now he will try to hand us the food that he doesn’t want us to eat. If we don’t take it, however, his next step is to throw it to the dogs so we are ever vigilant. 
  • Nursing - That’s right, we are STILL nursing at least twice a day. And that’s all I have to say about that.
  • Naps - And, for the last update tonight, we have officially transitioned to one nap a day. Oliver was fighting his second nap for awhile so we tried one nap and it’s been working really well (except for those days that the one nap gets interrupted). An unexpected benefit of this one nap thing is that he has moved his wake up time back a bit so that now he wakes up in the morning sometime between 6:30 and 7 instead of between 5:30 and 6. Hoorah!

That’s it for tonight. I’m pooped and need to head to bed. But, no, I haven’t forgotten about my temper tantrum tease from last post. Don’t worry, that post is still in the works...

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