We met in 2002 while we were both working at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. We got married on June 18, 2005 and now live in a small house in North Austin with our two dogs, Coltrane and Miles, and our three cats - Gnosis, Nona, and Kali. Brian works as an Editorial Assistant at the University of Texas Press and Elizabeth still works at BookPeople as a buyer and the Inventory Operations Manager.

On April 12, 2009 we welcome our first child, Oliver Mott, into our family and on February 12, 2013, his little brother, Henry Charles, joined us three weeks before his expected due date.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sundays With Oliver - Week Forty-Five

Oliver was kind of a bear tonight (teething? diaper rash? overly tired? who knows?) so this will be a short post. We had a pretty good week. Ever since I got home from California, however, Oliver has moved his wake up time to 5:30 every morning. That’s making for some very tired parents. I’m hoping he’ll move it back to 6:30 soon although it has been nice to get into the office early and get stuff done.

Oliver and I spent Friday night at my parents’ house while Brian worked. We had fun playing with the grandparents. On Sunday Lindsey came over and we all met Laurie, Robin and Lydia at the Children’s Museum. Oliver terrorized the place for awhile and then got cranky so we headed back home. He’s such a goofy kid. He’s never calm. He’s either laughing and smiling and crawling all over the place or he’s fussing and cranky. So emotional! 

Here are the pictures from this week. His hair is ridiculous.

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