We met in 2002 while we were both working at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. We got married on June 18, 2005 and now live in a small house in North Austin with our two dogs, Coltrane and Miles, and our three cats - Gnosis, Nona, and Kali. Brian works as an Editorial Assistant at the University of Texas Press and Elizabeth still works at BookPeople as a buyer and the Inventory Operations Manager.

On April 12, 2009 we welcome our first child, Oliver Mott, into our family and on February 12, 2013, his little brother, Henry Charles, joined us three weeks before his expected due date.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day and Oliver's First Road Trip

Mother’s Day and my mother’s birthday always fall very close together so when we found out that we were having a baby in April we decided that on Mother’s Day/
Mom’s birthday weekend we would bring the baby to San Antonio and have my grandmother come down from Midland so she could meet her first great-grandchild. After my first full week of being home alone with Oliver during the day I was more than ready for the weekend and was looking forward to having lots of people around to cuddle with Oliver.

We woke up early (as usual) on Friday morning and went to eat breakfast at Dan’s (I can’t go a whole week without my biscuits). We then headed home to start gathering up the supplies. I was amazed (not surprised, but amazed) at how much stuff we had to pack for Oliver for just three days. We had six bags of stuff plus bigger things like his bouncer, stroller, breastfeeding pillow, etc. Even with all the stuff my mom has down at her house it was a car full. Plus, we had to take the dogs down to Dog Camp for the weekend so we had to get both of them and their stuff into the car. Here’s a picture of everything (except the baby and the dogs) before we put it in the car:

We started off heading south and dropped the dogs off at Dog Camp and then continued on to San Antonio. The dogs were awesome. The were in the backseat with the baby and just laid down and went to sleep. Oliver was great on the road - he slept the whole way. 

We got into San Antonio around 12:30 and my grandmother arrived around 2:00. She walked in and quickly grabbed Oliver to hold him and love on him.

She seemed so happy to finally meet him. I know the last four weeks must have lasted forever since she wasn’t able to see him. 

Friday night Oliver got to meet a whole bunch of our good family friends in San Antonio. They were all so sweet to bring him lots of cute gifts. It was like an impromptu baby shower. It was so much fun and Oliver was fairly well behaved. He got a little fussy but I think everyone had fun trying to calm him down. Everyone just wanted to hold the baby - fussy or not. After all the excitement of the day, we got Oliver to bed around 10:30 and Brian and I quickly followed. This wouldn’t be notable except for the fact that Oliver didn’t wake up again until 2:30! Four hours! It was awesome. It’s the longest stretch of sleep I’ve had since he was born. I was very impressed especially since he was sleeping in a new place.

Saturday was my mom’s birthday and we celebrated by doing absolutely nothing but staying at home and watching the baby. I think it was exactly what my mom wanted. She changed every dirty and wet diaper Oliver had all weekend. Not exactly how I would want to spend my birthday but she seemed happy. Richard cooked us all an amazing dinner of beef wellington, green beans and mashed potatoes. It was delicious and I enjoyed it (even though I had to wear Oliver in his sling while eating it... at least I managed to avoid dropping any hot food on him, probably because Brian cut my meat up for me). Saturday night couldn’t have been more different from Friday night, though. Oliver was up every two hours all night long. Not the start to Mother’s Day I had been hoping for.

Despite the rough start, however, my first Mother’s Day was lovely. Brian made us all eggs benedict (my favorite) on Sunday morning and then we all spent a relaxing day watching and playing with Oliver. Sunday afternoon, my best friend, Seema, came over with her parents to meet Oliver. Seema was scared of the baby but did seem to think he was pretty cute. I’ve known Seema since middle school and, for some reason, having her come over to meet the baby made it really sink in that I’m a mom now. I look at the pictures of Oliver, Seema and me and I think of all the pictures I’ve got of Seema and me from high school and the juxtaposition is striking - there’s a baby in these pictures and he’s mine... it’s still weird (wonderful but weird). 

Oliver gave me some great Mother’s Day gifts. Turns out he’s a good shopper. I got a nice side table and some great wine glasses (I had complained earlier that I didn’t like any of the wine glasses that we have) and a first edition of Me Talk Pretty One Day (one of my favorite books). Richard cooked us another amazing dinner that night. Great day. 

Last night was another rough one. Oliver slept one long stretch but then woke up at 3:30 and was super cranky and wouldn’t go back to sleep no matter what we tried. He managed to wake up the whole house (including my poor mom who had to be up to go to school this morning - although she didn’t seem to mind since it meant getting to see more of him). He finally got back to sleep around five and let us all sleep another couple of hours. Those kind of nights are rough when they’re happening but when I look back on them I realize how lucky we are. Oliver is a good sleeper and a generally happy and healthy baby. He usually only fusses or cries when he needs something or is in pain (gas, upset tummy etc.) so after those nights have passed I am thankful that there aren’t more like it or that they aren’t worse than they are.

We got back into town around noon today and have slowly been unpacking. Tomorrow is Oliver’s one month birthday and his one month doctor’s visit. I can’t wait until we can go to the doctor’s office. Oliver has gotten baby acne this week which in and of itself is no big deal but when he nurses it gets really irritated and his face gets red and blotchy. It doesn’t seem to bother him but I want the doctor to check it out and see if we can’t do anything to take care of it. I also can’t wait to see how much weight he’s gained!

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